hands on health
Exercises for Restless Legs Syndrome

- Lie on floor
- Lift both legs to 90° keeping knees straight
- Put hands on insides thighs and push legs outwards. Hold 30secs
- Put hands on outsides thighs and push legs inwards. Hold 30secs
Repeat 8 times, putting legs to floor between each one
- Sit on floor – back to wall
- Loop towel around arch of foot
- Lift leg upwards (high) – knee straight – stretch back of legs
- Gently lower
Repeat up to 15 times for each leg
- Sit on floor
- Bend one leg to side, extend other in front
- Grasp ankle or foot with both hands
- Slowly bend forward at waist as far as can, stretching back and leg muscles.
- Hold 20secs
Repeat up to 5 times for each leg
- Squat on floor, put both hands on floor in front
- Stretch right leg behind as far as can, letting it rest on toes. Hold 10secs
- Do same with left leg
Repeat up to 10 times
- Lean hands against wall, arms straight
- Work feet backwards – tendon stretch in back legs and ankles – keep feet flat on floor
- Stretch tendon more by bending arms a little
- Hold 20secs - Relax one leg at a time
Repeat up to 5 times
- Lie on back on floor
- Lift knees up and put together
- Using hands push knees side to side, not using leg muscles (loosens inner and outer thigh muscles)
Repeat up to 10 times
- Stand barefoot at counter, feet foot apart
- Hands on counter – lift up on toes as far as can, raising heels off floor
- Hold 5 secs
Repeat up to 10 times
- Start as above – toes to sides
- Squat gently down as far as comfy
- Return slowly (stretches muscles inner side thighs and legs)
Repeat up to 10 times
- At counter - turn sideways
- Use hand to hold and extend leg furthest away from counter, all way forward and upward until it has travelled as far as comfy
- When leg reached max’m elevation point toes upwards
Repeat extending leg backwards
Repeat up to 10 times, for both legs
- Still at counter hand on counter, lift opposite knee straight up as high as can
- Hold 5 secs - lower leg
Repeat up to 10 times for both legs
Ref: Stopping Restless Leg Syndrome Bill Habets A Good Health Guide