hands on health |
Hands-on-HealthConditions |
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I list some of the conditions that I have helped people with.
I explore with the client the factors that have prompted them to have their problem, and what might help them resolve the problem.
ArthritisArthritis can have many causes producing inflammation and bone change including:
I got bad arthritis in my forties. Luckily I believed I could do something about it. By changing my diet I reversed the symptoms, stopped the pain and got the strength back in my hands. The bone growths were reabsorbed. What helpsDiet changes improve the acid/alkili balance, and remove the constipation / diarrhoea. Diet changes also speed up the digestive process. If food takes more than 14 hours to be eliminated, you are absorbing toxins that should be excreted. The toxins can affect the joints. Test yourself by eating some beetroot. It colours the stool black. Ecoflow magnets worn on the wrist improve acid/alkili balance Reflexology and massage stimulate the digestive system to work better Probiotics put back the friendly bacteria Katseye Blend 7 helps remove the pain and inflammation
Blood Sugar ProblemsBlood sugar problems can have various causes including:
When your blood sugar level goes high, too much insulin is released and brings the sugar level down too much. Coffee and stimulants release sugar into the bloodstream. Alcohol is made from sugar. Alcohol puts up the blood sugar levels very quickly. Candida can produce low blood sugar levels. It can be got under control with Katseye Blend 5, and cutting out sweet foods. See questionaire candida Stress and emotional upsets raise adrenaline levels. When adrenaline is high, blood sugar levels increase. They can then crash. Dealing with one's emotional response to stressful situations makes it easier to eat well. I help clients look at their reactions to stress, and the mindtalk that goes with it It is possible to work out a plan to reduce the problems. It seems to be important to start the day with a breakfast that sustains without putting up the blood sugar levels. If breakfast isn't right or missed out, it starts off a yo-yo day, where you have a need for something sweet at frequent intervals.
CandidaCandida is a fungal or yeast overgrowth in the gut. It can cause havoc with energy levels. The symptoms are as diverse as muscle weakness, frequent mood swings, irritability and chronic rashes. The candida questionaire will give you an idea if you suffer from it. candida Causes of candida include:
I advise clients on how to kill off the fungus, and get back a healthy balance between yeast in their system and friendly bacteria. |
DepressionDepression has many causes:
Indian Head Massage helps the mind and body relax and let go of the difficult situation. Aromatherapy massage also helps relaxtion. A mix of Katseye Blends 1, 17, 38 and 40 help lift depression Reflexology makes the endocrine system work better, so you can deal with problems better Cranio Sacral Therapy helps release the long term tension in the body put there by difficult events in our lives. Whenever those tissues are reminded of the event, it causes a bad reaction. By helping those tissues let go, the emotion in the memory is released. Enhancing Self-Esteem. We have a dialogue in our head. Frequently it is very negative. When we learn to access that dialogue, we can shed the lies, and tell the truth about it. The truth is usually much simpler than the lies. EFT helps release the emotional upsets The blood supply to the brain is affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. I use a questionaire to highlight what is lacking. |
Digestive ProblemsDigestive problems can have various causes, including:
Together we would work out the causes for you and treat them without drugs Stress brings about a tightening inside the body that affects the digestive tract. Cranio Sacral Therapy helps relax the internal organs, and normalises the ileocecal valve Reflexology stimulates the reflexes for the digestive system. Food Intolerances and vitamin deficiencies can be pin-pointed by an allergy test Changes to your diet can be explored to find one that suits you. Your blood type affects how you digest food. Eat foods that suit your blood group, and avoiding those that disturb your system. Test for Candida and if you have it treat the fungal condition. The anti-fungal blend makes it a lot easier to deal with. Katseye blend 14 helps normalise the digestive tract. |
Fluid RetentionFluid retention can arise for many reasons:
see Fluid retention questionaire to assess the causes for you
Reflexology helps shift the fluid retained in the legs. It makes a big difference to kidney and bladder function. It also helps reduce constipation Cranio Sacral Therapy helps the circulation to the pelvic area. Swedish Massage helps remove waste products from the muscles and the lymph system. Zero Balancing helps remove fluid from the neck. People look slimmer even with no weight loss, and feel more comfortable. Breathing exercises help retrain the body to use the diaphragm. Some diet changes may be necessary. |
HayfeverHayfever is one of those really annoying conditions. The usual remedy is anti-histamines. There are alternatives. If you eat honey on the comb starting in February, you will have a much easier summer season. It has to be eaten every year. A Katseye Therapeutic Blend 3 applied to beneath the nose takes away the symptoms. It also helps other respiratory allergies. I sell it personally, but not online. It is also available on ebay . |
MigrainesMigraines can have various causes, including:
Together we would work out the causes of your migraines and treat them without drugs Indian head massage frequently stops a migraine during the session, by relaxing the muscle tension and normalising constricted blood vessels. Blood sugar problems can be helped by changing what you eat, sometimes they are the result of stress. Hormonal imbalance can often be improved with diet, and reflexology helps your body balance the hormones. Sphenoid and temporal disfunction are helped with Cranio Sacral Therapy A mix of Katseye Blend 21, 10, 1 & 4 help migraines. You can carry it with you in a small rollerball for use as soon as the migraine starts. EFT helps you with emotional upsets
Foods that Trigger Migraine HeadachesThe commonest foods which can cause difficulty are listed in |
M.EI have a very personal interest in M.E. My husband got it badly. My search for solutions led me to become a therapist. Some therapies like Reverse Therapy, The Lightening Process work quickly for many people, but not for everyone. I work with people to find the reasons they have got it. Their pack of cards seems to have gone down. What will put those cards back up? Factors to look at:
Parkinson's DiseaseParkinson's disease isn't easy to treat as you will know. It seems to become a viscous cycle. eg digestion deteriorates, dopamine is reduced, muscles tighten, digestion deteriorates. There are 2 books that give very helpful pointers to getting better, as opposed to the books that tell you how to live with it.. John Coleman 'Stop Parkin and Start Livin'. He cured himself of quite bad PD. He makes many recommendations. Top of his list is rehydration. He says any person will make little progress while dehydrated. There is a homeopathic pack to help one rehydrate. Lucille and Geoffrey Leader ' Parkinson's Disease - the Way Forward'. Lucille is a nutritionist. She lists the stages in digestion required to produce the dopamine. If any stage malfunctions then dopamine is not produced. |
Restless Legs SyndromeRestless legs seems to other people a mild, even humorous condition. To the sufferer it's not funny at all. Restless legs is a neurological condition, that can be helped considerably. First action is to cut out caffeine. For many people it solves the problem completely. You need to check where you sleep or spend large amounts of time. Are you sleeping in an electric field / electro-magnetic-radiation field. That affects your brain. Sensory Perspectives Ltd sell equipment to make the check. I loan them to my clients. There is a set of exercises to stretch parts of your legs / feet / spine. If the muscles and tendons are contracted they get very uncomfortable and jumpy. |
ShinglesShingles is caused by the chicken pox virus. It can occur when a person is very stressed. If not caught quickly it can cause a lot of pain over a long time. The doctor has anti-viral drugs if used within the first week of the disease. If outwith that period the doctor suggests painkillers. They are often not very effective. The Katseye Therapeutic Blend 18 acts to kill the virus, and calm the nerve pain associated with it. It reduces the pain quickly. I make it into a cream to apply on the skin along the pathway of the affected nerves. My mother (aged 90) had shingles in the eye and was in hospital for ages. It was the shingles cream that cured her. |