hands on health |
Hands-on-HealthTherapies |
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Reflexology | |||
Indian Head Massage |
What is Indian Head Massage ?Indian Head Massage massages the back, shoulders, arms, neck, head and face, relieving painful knots in shoulders and neck. It is a relaxing programme for the whole body and mind, giving a sense of calmness and peace. The massage is done while you sit in a chair. There is no need to undress and there are no oils to mark clothes. |
Physical Benefits |
Mental Benefits |
Case Studies for Indian Head Massage |
T came for relief from headaches. She ground her teeth at night, breaking gum shields regularly. She had ten sessions at weekly intervals, and gradually the neck and jaw tension reduces and the headaches evaporated.
M was depressed. He had been suspended from his work and being taken to a tribunal. At first he hardly wanted to talk. By week 8 he started laughing, belly laughs. At week 10 he went to the tribunal, so confident about it that he supported his support patrner. He was completely vindicated at the tribunal, got his job back, and shortly afterwards was promoted. |
Z suffered manic depression. When manic she would spend a fortune she didn’t have. When depressed she would slash her arms in order to feel something. While receiving a weekly Indian Head Massage she was stable, neither manic nor depressed. It seemed to keep her on a even keel.
Reflexology |
What is Reflexology?Reflexology massages reflexes in the feet to stimulate the organs in the body. Congestion in the reflexes causes problems elsewhere in the body. Reflexology can help eliminate toxins and excess fluid, relax your mind and body and restore the natural balance, improving health. It is excellent for chronic conditions, poor circulation and digestive problems. Also for painful feet and swollen legs due to fluid retention. I have a feeling of lightness and flexibility after I have received a session |
Texture of reflexesThe texture of the reflexes alters when unhealthy. Often they become gritty to touch. The ‘grit’ is uric acid crystals that shouldn’t be there. The crystals stop the reflex working properly. By massaging over the grit it breaks down and gets dispersed. Sometimes the surface of the feet becomes flabby. Its as if there’s no life in them. That reflects in energy levels in the person. Reflexology gets rid of the flabbiness, and life comes back. Other feet are swollen as if they are drowning in fluid. Reflexology helps disperse the fluid. |
Case studies for Reflexology |
N had very painful feet that were so bad she was expecting to need a wheelchair soon. A bit drastic at 50. M had had a lump on her spine removed and had problems ever since. After six months of fairly regular reflexology she went backpacking in India |
K had an operation for kidney problems. Her feet were inflexible, she had hard skin removed by a chiropodist every three weeks or she could hardly walk. Within a few minutes of working on her feet, her innards gurgle away as if a blockage has been released. Her consultant is amazed at the improvement in her kidney function |
F is elderly with puffy feet, struggles to walk much and tends to get as stiff as a board. A reflexology session loosens up her feet and legs, enables her to walk easier and helps keep her mobile |
What is Cranio Sacral Therapy?The brain and spinal column contain a fluid. The spinal fluid renews itself all the time. The renewing creates a pulse - the cranio sacral rythmn. (CSR) When I hold my hands anywhere on the body I can listen to this rythmn and feel its patterns. Gentle, hands-on holds follow the craniosacral rhythm to release resistance and restrictions in the body. Clients often feel a deep sense of physical and mental relaxation as the restrictions release and vitality becomes available. Jamming up of the joints of the bones in the skull cause conditions such as dyslexia, tinnitus, dizziness and obsessive/compulsive disorder. The jamming cut off the blood supply. CST helps unjam these sutures. When we have a difficult emotional time, we tense up against it. This tension in muscles and tissue gets linked with that emotion and can stay for years. By relaxing the tissues craniosacral therapy can release the emotion attached to it. |
Cranio Sacral RhythmnWhen a person is healthy the cranial rhythmn has:
When a person has health problems the rythmn changes:
Case Studies Cranio-Sacral Therapy |
R was planning a trek in Peru. She was concerned about the backache she gets. I lightly held her pelvis and sacrum and followed the movement that happened. After three sessions she said her back ache had disappeared. She was delighted that her next period was light and pain free - a real bonus to her. |
M had post traumatic stress from having a caesarian section for the birth of her twins without an anaesthetic. She had been told that they would be brain damaged if she had the anaesthetic. The pain was so bad for 20 minutes that she had an out of body experience. Years later the headaches still hurt so much M couldn't work, and struggled to bring up her twin boys. CranioSacral Therapy gradually released the shock and pain from her body. M now leads a full life, and her boys have a fun and healthy Mum. |
L finds it very difficult to relax. With CranioSacral Therapy she completely lets go. She says it's the only time she achieves that. |
What is Zero Balancing?Zero Balancing focuses on the groups of joints in the body that are involved with the smooth transmission of forces through the weight bearing skeleton - in effect they act as shock absorbers. Zero Balancing evaluates and improves the function of these joints. This encourages natural realignment and improved posture. Zero balancing is a gentle yet powerful hands-on method of balancing body energy with body structure. Using finger pressure and held stretches, it invites the release of tension accumulated in the deep structures of the body. The specific quality of touch enables physical structure and energy to be engaged simultaneouly, harmonising the relationship between them. |
Zero Balancing generates an active and conscious state of well-being. Pleasurable in itself, it can provide a foundation for continuing good health. If you feel good, Zero Balancing offers you the opportunity to feel even better.
Case Studies Zero Balancing |
H likes playing cricket. His right arm hurt so much he wasn't able to play much. I evaluated the movement he had in his neck and shoulders. It was very restricted. No wonder he had a problem. Each session improved his flexibility. It took 9 sessions to return the movement to normal. H is back playing full games |
D talked about feeling tension in her bones. She was uncomfortable most of the time. Tension in bones is what elderly people describe, but D was only in her fifties. Bone in living people has an elastic quality. Zero Balancing touches bone in a way that allows it to relax. D gradually felt more comfortable. |
J was a bit overweight, but looked much more overweight due to fluid at her neck. As she received ZB J looked much slimmer even though she had not lost much weight. The excess fluid at her neck disappeared |
What is Swedish Massage?Swedish Massage is a deep, strong massage. It restores elasticity to the muscles helping them function well. It also improves circulation and lymph drainage, promoting elimination of wastes. It helps break down cellulite, so complements a weight loss program. The pressure is varied according to need. Aromatherapy oils can be used where helpful |
Case Studies Swedish Massage |
Y is a roofer doing hard physical work in awkward positions. His muscles get quite strained. He thought he was going to have to give up work. The pain took away his concentration that was needed to keep himself safe on roofs. Y found that a fortnightly massage kept his muscles in good condition. He was able to keep on working. |
R has M.E. His muscles take a long time to recover after any exercise including walking. The lactic acid produced stays in his muscles Regular massage enables him to be more active by speeding up elimination of the waste products. |
What is Aromatherapy?Aromatherapy oils are essential oils derived from plants and used for their healing abilities. Several are normally blended to create a better effect than possible from one only. Aromatherapy oil can be used in massage or other treatments. The oils can also be used at home to continue the beneficial effect between sessions. The blends I use are chosen to help your condition from relaxation to digestive problems, from anxiety to viral conditions, from inability to sleep to fungal problems. I use Katseye Therapeutic Blends. I consider them the best I have found. |
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Case Studies Aromatherapy |
K suffered from severe candida with resulting lack of energy. He used blend 5 in a cream every day, and found his energy returned. |
L suffers from hayfever, with stuffy nose, sore eyes, sneezing. A rollerball of blend 3 rubbed under the nose took away the reactions |
R finds cold difficult to shake off. He uses blend 11 in a vapour steam twice a day, and shifts the cold quickly |
What is Thermo Auricular Therapy?Thermo Auricular Therapy is fantastic for ear problems from excess ear wax to tinnitus, from glue ear to dizziness. It helps the ears function better. It uses a Hopi candle, a special beeswax sheet rolled into a narrow cylinder. The candle is lit at one end, and the other end is inserted into the ear. The burning of the candle produces a spiral of smoke that goes down the candle into the ear and gently massages inside the ear. The smoke then spirals back up the candle. The action also produces a slight vacuum at the ear drum. That has a beneficial effect on the inner ear. Embedded ear wax is drawn up the candle gently clearing the ear of old wax. A small layer of the condensate of the candle is left in the ear. The herbs in the beeswax sheet carry on acting for up to 24 hours. Both ears are treated. The candling is then followed by a relaxing massage of the neck, head and face. The treatment is very relaxing as well as helpful for the ears. |
Also known asHopi Ear CandlingHopi candles were first made by the Hopi American Indian Tribe and used in their ceremonies. Syringing of the ears removes all the wax. As there should be a little wax in the ears as lubrication, the ear now goes into overdrive to produce more wax. If excess wax is the problem then syringing is only a short term solution, making it worse long term. |
Use for
Case Studies Thermo Auricular Therapy |
Ear Wax R gets a build up of wax at the end of every summer. It's as if the wax is unable to come out itself. Most people need three sessions to remove the wax. R needs five, but each session seems to energise him.
What is Emotional Freedom Technique?EFT is an emotional needle-free version of acupuncture. I find this a most effective way to reduce negative emotions. The negative emotion puts a block into the meridian system. By tuning into the emotion and tapping on the meridians the block is cleared, leaving the person feeling less anxious. It is easy to use as a self help tool. For big issues it is easier to have help. The website also gives lots of case study examples sent in by practioners around the world |
Usually known as EFT Discovery Statement"The cause of all physical symptoms and negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system.” The energy system is the meridian system. MethodNegative emotions can be dispelled by : 1 Tuning into the emotion 2 Rating the level of the emotion on a scale of 1 - 10. 3 Saying a statement linking the negative thought with a positive to replace it while rubbing a 'sore spot' on the chest 4 Tapping on twelve meridian points |
Use for:
Try it on everything
Case studies EFT |
I use it for myself. One week I was having panic attacks in the middle of the night due to an allergy. I didn't know the cause. It was very scary. I used EFT to control the panic, and was soon able to go back to bed and sleep. |
B had a gnawing pain in her right thigh. It sapped her energy and she often found it difficult to think straight. When we EFT'd the terror and disbelief of a time when her ex-husband attacked her, the pain went |
S wanted to give up smoking. She often struggled with the urge to smoke 'just one' cigarette. EFT removed the urge. top |